GREETINGS! Thank you for taking the time to visit the new website. Just like in life we’re still under construction, but for now the BIG NEWS is that after seven years I have new music to share! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. I am truly grateful.
Click on the pink “fanlinks” for a taste of the new music…
“YOURS TO KEEP”, my first official co-write with Uncle Phil…
“COMIN’ DOWN”, written at the cabin in the woods… https://fanlink.to/CheriKCominDown.
The full album, WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE, available now… https://fanlink.to/WhatIKnowtoBeTrue.
Thanks again for popping by. Feel free to poke around the site a bit (you can use the “hamburger menu” upper right corner) and check back again soon.
For the King and His kingdom…

Cheri Keaggy Ministries
PO Box 1567
Brentwood, TN 37024
EMAIL: ckeaggybooking@gmail.com
If you would like to join Cheri’s email newsletter list, please provide us with the information below…